Monday, May 20, 2013

raw versus jpeg

A few days ago I went with my OM-D to the nature. I wanted to see how the lightmetering does the job and the dfirence between in camera processing versus lightroom/photoshop.

I have to say that the in camera processing is great but.......... The raw files have much more dynamic range then the jpegs. I'm not the best photoshopper or lightroom man but I did my best to let you see what raw files can do.

I also played with difrend kind of settings and I like the OM-D more day by day. It's light, handling is great and response of the camera is perfect.

Now a few examples. I put the same photo's after each other to let you see the diffrence. When you cliq on the photos you can see the photos in big resolution on my flickr account.















Friday, May 10, 2013

Me, my wife and my Om-D in Paris.

I went to Paris for the weekend. A little bit of relaxation from a very busy period. I've still got to get used to the camera so the photo's are not outstanding.

Paris is a very crouded place and I wasn't alone. So I had to take the pictures during our daily walk. I want to go back. But then on a week-day. Not the weekend. And early in the morning or late in the evening when there are not so many people.

Most photo's are straight out of the camera . Black and white photo's I edited in lightroom 4.

I'll hope you enjoy.



paris transport

It's really cool how this people can stand still for so long.

We placed a love lock on the bridge of love





It's a very busy and crouded city

city of fashion?

Tour de Eifel

Nice present from mr Eifel


mr Eifel

It's a big city

doioderama effect filter

dioderama effect filter

Paris by night

view over Paris from the cathedral "the Sacr Couer".

dioderama effect filter


Artisi on the place du tértre.


A happy couple in Paris

A view over the city from the stairs of the sacre couer

The girl had purple hair



They named the store after my wife

street artist, very beautifull

the Louvre




Biker granddad

there were also very poor people in this rich city


the mobile Phone is everywhere

All photo's were taken with the Olympus Om-D with 12-50mm kitlens. After two days and 200 photographs I can say I am very happy with my new camera.